Knowledge Base » How to set up permissions in Admin

How to: How to set up permissions in Admin

Author name: 
Product: EzParts®
Version: and newer (release notes)

Description: You can manage the product lines that the customer can access. Follow the steps below to set up Navigation tree restrictions for EzParts Web.


Way 1

  1. Sign In to the administration panel.
  2. Go to the Security tab.
  3. Select a Group/User.
  4. Right click and select Edit from the context menu.
  5. Open the Tree tab for the Group/User.
  6. Expand nodes in the tree if needed to find the tree node that have to be hidden.
  7. Right click on the node and select the Deny access to turn off the node displaying for the Group/User.

If you want to allow some specific note - repeat the actions 1-6, but then select the Allow access option from the mode context menu.

Way 2

  1. Sign In to the administration panel.
  2. Go to the Security tab.
  3. Select a User.
  4. Click on the User account, drag and drop it to a Group that already have some permissions on the tree nodes.
  5. The user account will inherit the Group permissions.

We strongly suggest that group level permissions are defined, not user permissions. In this case it's more secure that all user in a group have similar tree displaying.

Modified on: 09/03/2020